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Mar 10, 2025
ACEA est partenaire de l’Electronic Waste Africa pour la seconde édition des E-waste days 2025, qui se tiendra à Abidjan les 10 et 11 avril 2025. Quels sont les enjeux des déchets électroniques pour le continent africain? Réponses dans l'interview de Evariste AOHOUI.
Feb 25, 2025
Le Tchad en voie de disposer d'une feuille de route officielle pour l'économie circulaire
Les 25 et 26 février 2025, le Tchad tient un atelier de validation de sa feuille de route pour l'économie circulaire, un événement crucial rassemblant toutes les parties prenantes. Après le lancement du développement de ce document en septembre 2024, dans le cadre du projet multi-pays "Développement de feuille de route pour l'économie circulaire" - financé par le fonds africain pour l’économie circulaire de la Banque africaine de Développement et avec la collaboration technique de l'ACEA - le pays est à l'aube de disposer d'un plan d'actions officiel pour débloquer les potentiels de l'économie circulaire.
Feb 5, 2025
ACEA’s participation in a workshop to advance blue and circular economy initiative
ACEA took part in a two-day validation workshop to review a Circular Economy Action Plan in Port Louis, Mauritius, on the 27 & 28 January. This workshop concluded with a call by stakeholders and experts on the need for Small Island states to promote innovative financing mechanisms for blue and circular economies to advance socio-economic development and preserve ecosystems.
Nov 27, 2024
Ghana commits to a greener future with a Pact to reduce Single-Use Plastics
Ghana is committed to environmental sustainability and has launched a voluntary pact to reduce single-use plastic bags. This initiative - set up by Plastic
Punch - seeks to achieve a 50% reduction in plastic waste by 2030. It aims to lessen the impact of plastic pollution on Ghana’s valuable ecosystems, as the country generates 1.1 million tons of plastic waste each year, with only 5% being recycled.
Nov 20, 2024
COP29: ACEA featured as a "solution" in the Multilateral Development Bank’s report "The Circular Economy in Motion"
At the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29) in Baku, Azerbaijan, Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) presented their first joint report on the circular economy: “The Circular Economy in Motion: How the Multilateral Development Banks are advancing the transition ”, on the 20th of November. The report features 20 case studies worldwide, including the African Circular Economy Alliance.
Sep 23, 2024
The Chad officially begins its circular journey
Chad has launched the development of its National Circular Economy Road Map, marking a pivotal step towards sustainable development. This initiative - supported by the African Development Bank Group's ACEF and in collaboration with ACEA - aims to scale up Chad's traditional circular practices into structured, high-impact economic opportunities.
Sep 9, 2024
The African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA) ignites momentum for Circular Solutions
The African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA) made a compelling case for the transformative power of the circular economy in addressing land degradation, desertification, and drought during the 10th African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN). Held on September 6th in Abidjan, the event served as a clarion call for African nations to join the Alliance and seize the vast opportunities presented by the circular economy.
Sep 6, 2024
The African Circular Economy Alliance and its partners released a new publication on Unified rPET Standard
The African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA), in partnership with Switch to Circular Economy Value Chains and Circularium Africa Advisory, has released a paper titled “Reducing Plastic Pollution in Africa: The Imperative of a Continental rPET Standard for Food-Contact Applications”. The publication provides a practical strategy to address the rising plastic pollution crisis in Africa through the adoption of a unified standard for recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET).
Aug 23, 2024
ACEA and ACEF announce AfriCircular Innovators Programme Selectees
The African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA) and the Africa Circular Economy Facility (ACEF) unveil the 30 innovative Micro Small and Medium Enterprises from Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, and Rwanda selected to join the AfriCircular Innovators Programme. The goal is to create a ripple effect of innovation and sustainable practices that contribute to the broader development of Africa's circular economy.
Jul 23, 2024
Ethiopia launches the development process of its National Circular Economy Roadmap
Ethiopia has begun developing a National Circular Economy Roadmap (NCER) with financial backing from the African Development Bank's Facility for Circular Economy (ACEF). This project, also involving the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA), aims to foster innovation, efficient resource use, and improved policy frameworks.
May 15, 2024
Benin launches the development process of its National Circular Economy Roadmap
On May 15, 2024, Benin officially launched its National Action Plan for the Circular Economy, supported by the African Development Bank (AfDB) through the Africa Circular Economy Facility (ACEF). Developed in partnership with the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA), this initiative aims to help Benin meet its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by adopting a more sustainable and responsible approach to natural resource utilization.
Apr 29, 2024
Africa's Mining Sector at the World Circular Economy Forum 2024 :
Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and ACEA's Accelerator Session Paves the Way for Circularity
The global push towards a circular economy has found an important touchpoint within Africa’s mining sector, as discussed at the World Circular Economy Forum 2024 held in Brussels from 15th to 18th April. The accelerator session organized by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for Finland and the African Circular Economy Alliance themed "Enhancing Circularity in Africa's Mining Sector" was the opportunity to dissect and enhance the circular potential of Africa's rich mineral industry.
Mar 30, 2024
Learning Event for the Circular Food Systems for Rwanda Program
From March 27-29, 2024, the Circular Food Systems for Rwanda (CIRF) program held a three-day learning and exhibition event in Kigali, showcasing its efforts to make Rwanda's food systems more circular and sustainable. The event celebrated the achievements of the project since its inception in 2021 and provided a platform for learning, knowledge exchange, and fostering collaboration to advance the circular economy for food in Rwanda, Africa, and beyond.
Mar 25, 2024
Chad's Leap Towards a Circular Future:
An Inaugural Workshop to design a National Circular Economy Roadmap
In an ambitious stride towards sustainability, Chad has hosted its inaugural workshop to develop a national circular economy roadmap, marking a transformative moment for the country. As a member of the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA), Chad's commitment to circularity promises to overhaul key sectors including Waste Management, Agro-Industry, Energy, Plastics and Chemicals, Water, and Construction and Civil Engineering.
Mar 3, 2024
ACEA at UNEA-6 :
The Alliance raised the profile of Africa's circular economy
During the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) held in Nairobi from 26th February to 1st March, the world leaders were brought together to discuss the intertwined challenges of climate change, loss of biodiversity, and pollution. The African Circular Economy Alliance stressed how crucial it is for Africa to mainstream the circular economy to tackle these urgent issues and promote sustainable industrial development in the continent.
Jan 30, 2024
Plastic Waste's challenge in Africa :
A Pan-African rPET Standardization underway with ACEA
Africa, grappling with unique challenges in plastic pollution management, must address factors like population growth, evolving consumer behaviors, and inadequate recycling infrastructure. Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa, faces substantial annual plastic waste generation and low recycling rates. Without intervention, there is a projected 197 percent increase in waste in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2050, particularly plastics. ACEA is currently facilitating discussion for a pan-African rPET standard
Jan 28, 2024
National Circular Economy Roadmaps project :
Uganda takes first step to unleashing circularity's potentialities
Uganda has embarked on a significant initiative to foster sustainable growth and green industrialization through the development of a circular economy. This milestone represents a proactive step toward realizing the country's Vision 2040. Through strategic collaboration with ACEA and backed by the African Development Bank's Facility for Circular Economy (ACEF), Uganda is paving the way for sustainable socio-economic development, setting a benchmark for others to follow.
Nov 30, 2023
Circular Economy in Africa :
Connecting the dots between Climate Change, Resilience, and Opportunities
When it comes to climate change and Africa, the usual narrative revolves around the increasing vulnerability of the continent to the negative effects of climate change.However, a panel discussion held on the sidelines of COP28 in Dubai advanced a more optimistic view. The discussion on Advancing Circular Economy for Climate Resilience in Africa concluded that Africa could be a hub of opportunity for combating climate change. The African Development Bank, the Africa Circular Economy Facility (ACEF), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and ACEA cohosted the event.
Africa's Circular Economy at